Topic: Forest Science Education - Forests for university education: examples and experiences
June 26th till 28th, 2017, in Prague, Czech Republic, at the Czech University of Life Sciences
About the Conference
In academic forestry education, at both universities and universities of applied sciences, the importance to incorporate in the curricula in-forest teaching was recognized rather early. Hence, it has a long tradition and is a firm component in all forest science syllabi. From this tradition at many academic institutions the access to forests was seen as so important, that very often specific regulations for “university forests” were established. As a result there exists a very wide range, on how these teaching forests are legally linked to the university: direct ownership, long-lasting land-lease contracts or comparatively loose management regulations. In any case, the 2017 SILVA Network meeting wants to address all aspects of these forests with their special meaning for university teaching, education and sometimes also research.
Typical questions to be raised under this topic cover a very wide range. From organizational matters, over managerial aspects to questions in our core field of interest, the pure educational questions, everything may be considered. The idea is to share specific knowledge around these “university forests”, which should help to avoid typical pitfalls and gain the maximum for forestry education from these forests.
A specific appeal is addressed to the SILVA community as to share typical individual in-field curricula, as adapted to the utilization at some university forests. It is expected that a shared insight into such syllabi is giving extra value to this symposium.
Read more: First Announcement
Read more: Second Announcement
Read more: Third Announcement
Read more: Press release
Read more: Proceedings
The IUFRO Anniversary Congress in Freiburg 2017
will include sessions on higher education in forest sciences:Announcement